Anyone who has been following my coverage of the covid-19 situation knows that I am not into politics. I have no public opinion of President Trump. However I have been asking for weeks why the US is having so much trouble testing for the virus when other countries test by the tens of thousands. I may have found the answer. I will link all the articles and evidence I have found.
Today I found an article by a blogger called Shero. In this article she states that the US wasn't testing because we refused the test kits offered by the World Health Organization W.H.O. She also stated that as of 2016 Trump held stock in V.C. Corp, the parent company of the one making the US testing kits. If true this means that the president may be profiting from those test kits. Here is her article Trump could profit from coronavirus testing In this article she links to the sources of her information such as the 2016 article stating Trump holds stock in V.C. corp and several others.
I then went looking for proof that the US had in fact refused the W.H.O. test kits. I found an article from Politico that states that the tests were in fact refused and even asks why they would have been refused. How testing failures allowed the coronavirus to sweep the US
The lack of early testing is directly responsible for the spread of covid19 in the US and has already led to deaths. Had we been testing from the beginning we could have better contained the situation. As it stands now the situation is beyond containment. Many people tried to get tested by the CDC but didn't meet their criteria at the time. Many found that not only suspicious but dangerous. Without a confirmed test people couldn't properly self isolate for the time needed without losing their jobs or even running out of food. And with no official test they had no supervision either.
The US has also failed time and time again to provide proper supervision of positive cases. One such is the infected teen from New Hampshire who snuck into a school event. Article here. And there have been reports of similar events in other states as well. Combine this with reports of no proper screening for people flying in from countries with high rates of infection such as Italy, and you start to understand the trouble we are in.
Cases continue to rise and as of now are over 400 in the US with 17 deaths. It is a certainty that these numbers are low as it has been well known that the virus has been here and spreading unseen due to a lack of testing. Because of these false low numbers, people have not been advised to take the precautions nessacary to protect themselves and slow the spread of the virus. Regardless of whether or not Trump will profit from the covid 19 tests, the refusal of the tests from W.H.O. has resulted in a loss of human life and is not likely to stop any time soon.
oh yay, another go nowhere witch hunt.
We are not getting them from W. H. O. Because our president refused to get them from them. He said we would design our own tests. But now we’re way behind on testing because we didn’t start until too late many people have come back from Europe without being tested . They may have had a mild cases of the virus . They still could spread it. So there are probably thousands that have it , but are still going to out spreading the virus like kids on spring break!
What about OSCAR Health? setting up test labs across the US. It was founded by Joshua Kushner, brother of Jarrod.
That is not surprising in the least. He has been raking in the money since day one of his dictatorship.
*****Oh and it is a bit of an oxymoron to claim you hate trump and then use his favorite saying of fake news. Smells like a trump supporter to me.
Last August a delegation from China including two managers of the Wuhan labs met with several trump admin offials ostensibly to discuss biological WMD responses. There was an off the books oval office visitas well. These meetings were followed by new trump concessions to China on trade in exchange for the Chinese providing a weaponized virus for use against Iran.
I encourage everyone to research all this. The facts are there in witnesses reporting secret Chinese flights into the DC area for which there are no "official" records. A classified Pentagon memo to the Green Zone regarding disease preparedness and other tangential documents.
This explains why Iran has been disproportionately effected.
This is the trump virus