If you have tips to share about disaster prep or infection prevention this is the place to do it. All of my official disaster prep articles can be found on this site under "Coronavirus info and Emergency prep" We can help each other by sharing tips as no one can think of everything. I get new things all the time that make me go "how did I miss that!?" Any advice that can harm another person or the individual will be deleted and addressed. We need to be responsible with each other. This is a situation where for once, your opinions might actually harm or help another person. Please keep that in mind.
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Here in the UK, the schools are still open. Your advise for home sanitation is very good, but what can a child with a long hair do in order not to carry the virus home?
Would it be better to shower every day after coming home?
TIP: Remember to sanitize your cellphone regularly! Cellphones have been shown to carry more germs on them than public toilet seats! This is because your hands are little germ grabbers and every time you touch your phone you transfer them to it. Most people don't clean their phones so all those germs build up and stay there. YUCK! For this and other electronics, spray a paper towel with disinfectant and then wipe down the phone/electronic. This protects it from getting liquid into the openings and ruining it.
TIP: If you can't get hand sanitizer you can use 70% rubbing alcohol. You need that little bit of water in it to be effective against germs so don't get more concentrated stuff thinking it will work "better". You can put the alcohol into a small spray bottle to carry with you. This also has the benefit of being able to be used to disinfect surfaces in public!